
Genuine question

It’s was hell of a lot easier when i could just take care of business in the shower or just at my computer desk I’ll tell you that much.

It depends on a few factors how big your stuff is, how buried you are, how in shape you are, how jiggly you are. Stage one involves getting hard (props if you are already excited) the next stage is rolling over on your side and getting off and seeing heaven.

If you’re jiggly that works against your friction and momentum so you just kinda wiggle around and if you’re out of shape you get winded just trying to stay hard with your momentum. I might paint a negative light here I’m not sure how other feel but this is my experience.
1 month

Genuine question

pretty much have to be in bed or laying flat, if i want to stand i need to put my belly over something, though i've discovered that lately letting the belly get in the way while standing can feel...nice
1 month